Saturday 29 (09.00–14.00). Come and say hello to us at our stall in Stroud Farmers Market
Saturday 29 (10.00–16.00). Learn to Spin at Cotswold Alpacas with Bridget Tibbs at Cotswold Alpacas, Korinn Farm, Cowley GL53 9NJ. An exclusive one-day course for four people only, with lunch and all materials provided, at the special price of £80 per person. If you have a spinning wheel of your own, do bring it; otherwise, one will be provided. You will be able to see the alpacas themselves, as well as spin with their wonderfully soft wool. Book here: Bookings
Saturday 5 (10.00–14.00). Visit our stall at Nailsworth Town Meeting
Thursday 24 (18.00–21.00). Cushion-making workshop at Lewis & Wood with textile artist Alexandra Hucks. She will encourage participants to use imaginative embroidery techniques to enhance Lewis & Wood’s own stunning fabrics and create bespoke cushions which rank as works of art. £35 to include all materials and tea/coffee. Book here: Bookings
Saturday 17 (11.00–14.00). Ukrainian Vyshyvanka Day in Nailsworth, featuring a parade, textile workshops and exhibition; booking not required (organised by STT, with Stroud Stands with Ukraine and Cotswold Canals Connected). No charge; booking not required.
Friday 6, 13, 20 & 27 (10.00–12.00). Four beginners' machine-sewing classes at The Sewing Shed. Subsidised by STT, the cost for all four classes is £75 including all materials. Book here: or call Martha on 07846 853016.
Saturday 28 (10.00–16.00). Goldwork embroidery workshop with Kim Hardie at France Lynch Church Rooms. Learn how to work with gold thread on a specially created teazle-head design. All materials provided, cost £27 (bring your own lunch). Book here: Bookings
Saturday 12 (all day). Stroud Show at Stratford Park, with demonstrations, a quiz, activities for children and lots of information. No booking – just turn up.
Friday 1–Sunday 3 (10.00–16.00). SVTEC Steam Extravaganza at South Cerney Airfield. A family day out where STT will be ‘on show’ along with hundreds of other attractions. More information/booking:
Saturday 13/Sunday 14 (09.30–14.30). Exhibition ‘Women’s Work in Cam Mills’ at Kingshill House, Dursley in connection with the GL11/Cam Oral History Project, recording the memories of the women who worked at Cam Mill (project supported by STT). Free entry, booking not required. (Project funded by Historic England and National Lottery Heritage Fund.)
Thursday 25 (16.00-18.00). Open evening at Lewis & Wood. Includes a tour of the design and production workshops at their Woodchester Mill site and a glass of wine in their Top Floor showroom. A rare opportunity to see the creative processes behind the company’s world-class fabrics and wallpapers. No charge but booking required. STT Members only. Book here: Bookings
Sunday 28 (10.30). History walk around North and South Woodchester, with the 18th-century landscape ‘recreated’ for us by Thoss Shearer. Starts c.10.30 from Frogmarsh Mill; cost £7 (£5 for Members of STT or GGLT/AGT). Book here: Bookings
Tuesday 30. Launch of ‘Connections’ Exhibition at Three Storeys Gallery, Nailsworth, showcasing the work of STT Members.
Saturday 11 (10.00–16.00): ‘In a Spin’ at Stroud Brewery. Drop in to explore all sorts of crafts, enjoy a chat, try your hand at various skills and purchase hand-made items. Includes an introduction to spinning for children, with Simon Cooper from Flaxland. Free; no booking required.
Sunday 12: The Trust’s Annual General Meeting.
Thursday 30: Half-term Hallowe’en workshop for children (6-11) making spiders, masks and other spooky things.