Cathedral of Cloth
February - March 2018
In 2018, Ebley Mill celebrates the building of the Long Block at Ebley 200 years ago. The story of the mill reaches back to the early 1400s; it was owned by a fashionable man-about-town before Samuel Marling made it into the powerhouse of the Stroud Valleys. This fascinating exhibition reveals the stories of the famous people and the ordinary workers connected to the mill, and includes many rarely-seen items. Presented by Stroudwater Textile Trust in partnership with the Museum in the Park. Supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Wool & Water Festival
September 2019
Stroudwater Textile Trust - marking its twentieth anniversary in 2018 - is celebrating with a Wool and Water Festival in collaboration with the Cotswold Canals Trust and Stroud’s Museum in the Park. The festival was funded by Arts Council England and supported by Dransfield Properties, owners of the Five Valleys Shopping Centre in Stroud.
Material Flow
September 2019
Material Flow is a multi-media exhibition with an international and UK-based cast of artists who have responded to Stroud's cloth history, but who have also drawn on broader interrelated themes like colonialism, ecosystems, and place, industry and craftsmanship, all associated with a rich and vibrant cultural history.
Wool Week Stroud 2021 (events overview)
Friday 1st October 6pm, Fibreshed – reconnecting Fashion to Farming [Film and conversation]
Meet Fibreshed South West and affiliated farmers and artisans to an conversation around how fashion can reconnect to sustainable farming methods.
Friday 1 October, 10am at Lock Keeper’s Cafe
A walk based around ‘Step into the Picture’, led by the Trust’s Poet in Residence Juliette Morton and Trustee Ian Mackintosh. It will be a mix of poetry and history.
Subscriptions Rooms Forecourt (Saturday 2 October)
11am: Boss Morris Dancers (cancelled due to weather)
12 noon: Street Spindle installation and street knitting
3pm Knitting Orchestra, with Uta Baldauf at Weven Folk Crafts Co-operative (opposite the Subscriptions Rooms - upstairs from Tamari G cafe)
‘Spinning in the street’ (weather permitting) outside Cornhill Pets & Country Crafts 7 Threadneedle Street, Stroud GL5 1AF
Museum in the Park - Sunday 3 October
Between 11am and 2pm - ‘Threadlore’ workshop with Polly Armond
12 noon - 1pm - UK launch and discussion of 'Walk for Earth' (interwoven textiles) with Zoe Bicât & Katharina Child
11am to 2pm Children's activities, carding and spinning (drop-in and learn how-to)
+ Pop-up artisan wool makers
STT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Museum in the Park Pavilion)
2pm Talk before the AGM ‘Meet the Shepherd’, with journalist, author and sheep farmer Sue Andrews
3pm - AGM, follwed by refreshments.